Senin, 02 April 2012


Hello April ;)
I realy happy. Why?? Its 4th month at 2012, its mean I'm getting closer with my target. Hahahaaaa, but I don't have any progress, huhuhuhuuuu. It doesn't matter, I just need more and more spirit to reach it. Then I should more and more pray and ask Allah SWT to make all my target getting closer and make it come true, ahh please GOD, hmm. 
By the way I just setting my target in 3 month. Whats is it?? Hahahaaaa, its my secret baby. Just wait my post in 3 month later, xoxoxo ;)
Oh yeah in April there will be much great moment. My mom's b'day, my nephew's b'day, my beloved friend wedding, whohohoooo. 
Its oke, hopefully this month will be nice to me. Lets move on and make some progress, go go go!! Keep spirit till the end of time!

2 komentar:

  1. Shella... makasih ya, atas follownya. Aku sudah folback. And good luck for this month. Hope things will be great for you...

    Salam kenal, ya. *senyum*

    1. xoxoxo,iya terimakasih sudah di folbek
      thanks yaaa, :)


Senin, 02 April 2012


Hello April ;)
I realy happy. Why?? Its 4th month at 2012, its mean I'm getting closer with my target. Hahahaaaa, but I don't have any progress, huhuhuhuuuu. It doesn't matter, I just need more and more spirit to reach it. Then I should more and more pray and ask Allah SWT to make all my target getting closer and make it come true, ahh please GOD, hmm. 
By the way I just setting my target in 3 month. Whats is it?? Hahahaaaa, its my secret baby. Just wait my post in 3 month later, xoxoxo ;)
Oh yeah in April there will be much great moment. My mom's b'day, my nephew's b'day, my beloved friend wedding, whohohoooo. 
Its oke, hopefully this month will be nice to me. Lets move on and make some progress, go go go!! Keep spirit till the end of time!

2 komentar:

  1. Shella... makasih ya, atas follownya. Aku sudah folback. And good luck for this month. Hope things will be great for you...

    Salam kenal, ya. *senyum*

    1. xoxoxo,iya terimakasih sudah di folbek
      thanks yaaa, :)
